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Costello Slr Bedeutung

Exploring the SLR Tests and Conditions

Straight Leg Raise Test (SLR)


The Straight Leg Raise (SLR) test, also known as Lasègue's test, is a common orthopedic test used to assess for nerve root irritation in the lower back. The test is performed by lifting the leg straight up while lying on your back, with the knee extended and the ankle dorsiflexed. If the test causes pain that radiates down the leg, it may indicate a herniated disc or other nerve root problem.


The SLR test can be used to diagnose or rule out the following conditions:

  • Herniated disc
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  • Sciatica
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  • Spinal stenosis
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  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Costello Syndrome


    Costello syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects physical development. It is caused by mutations in the HRAS gene, which plays a role in cell growth and division. Costello syndrome is characterized by distinctive facial features, intellectual disability, and heart defects.


    In addition to the physical features and intellectual disability, Costello syndrome can also lead to the following conditions:

  • Heart defects
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  • Growth hormone deficiency
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  • Autism spectrum disorder
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  • Seizures

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